Jewels Blitz 5

Jewels Blitz 5

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Jewels Blitz 5 Jewels Blitz 5
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Jewels Blitz 5

Jewels Blitz 5

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Jewels Blitz 5, the long-awaited 5th installment of the legendary Match 3 game that takes you deep into the mystery of ancient cultures of Central America. You will explore Mayan Temples and try to solve their secrets and mysteries. Enjoy hundreds of levels, Daily Missions and Weekly Challenges. Earn gold and magical items!


Combine at least 3 shiny gems of the same type to make them vanish. Use their secretive powers to remove jungle obstacles and magical seals. Climb your way up the saga map to increasingly difficult levels.
English Dutch French German Italian Japanese Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Turkish Vietnamese
Age Group
Adults Seniors
Type HTML 5
Subtype Javascript
Screen Orientation Portrait
Dimensions 800x600
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