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Pou Pou
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Have you ever taken care of Pou as a pet!? Feed it, clean it, play with it and watch it grow up while leveling up? Have you ever dressed up Pou in different outfits? This is all possible is this brand new Pou game for web and mobile. Feed, nurture and take care of your Pou. Play different games in dht games room and collect coins. Experiment with Potions at the Lab! Customize Pou's appearance! Try out new Outfits, Hats and Eyeglasses! Customize each room's Wallpaper! Unlock Achievements and Special items!


Use the mouse or tap the screen to interact with Pou and the objects. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Age Group
Type HTML 5
Subtype Javascript
Screen Orientation Portrait
Dimensions 800x600
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